Friday, April 12, 2019

Nursing Pillows

I was fortunate to get several hand-me-downs when I was pregnant of baby gear from my mom's neighbor. I have been lucky to try out two of the most popular nursing pillows via these hand-me-downs: the boppy and the my brest friend pillow.

What I tried:
1. The Boppy
Hands-down, this is my favorite. I like that it is able to be used for multiple purposes. It is not only a super comfortable nursing pillow, you can also use it as a prop for your baby depending on their age. I have used it on many occasions to lay my baby down, sit him up, or try to get him comfortable with tummy time. I also like that it is not super bulky but manages to keep him (and me) supported while breastfeeding. 

2. My Brest Friend
This pillow is very firm. While it has functioned great as a back-up when the Boppy is in the wash, it is not my go-to for a nursing pillow. It is too firm and has no give to it. That being said, sometimes that is a bonus when you are cluster-feeding a newborn because you can strap it to your waist and you can get up if you have to while breastfeeding.

Cloth Diapers

My parents did cloth-diapers when I was growing up and had a weekly diaper service that picked up the dirty diapers. I happen to live in an area where diaper services are still a thing. I did not have an issue cleaning them ourselves but my husband was against cleaning them in our own washing machine. 

I think that some cloth-diapering families wash the whole diaper/insert after one use and end up buying 30-40 diaper wraps. We used the prefolds that came with our diaper service and only changed the outer wrap when it was super wet, our baby had a blow-out, or it was a new day. The amount of cloth diapers you need depends on how you intend to use them.

What I tried:
1. Mama Koala One-Size Reusable Pocket Cloth Diapers
These were the ones we tried and used regularly. I only tried one other brand of cloth-diapers but these were winners. They were reasonably priced, had fun designs, and were easy to use. They also are one-size which was great as baby grows. The only down-side of one-size pocket diapers (no matter the brand!) is that they don't fit well on newborns. But, once the newborn is about 10 lbs., you should not have an issue using the one-size wraps. (The diaper service we used let us rent newborn wraps until our son could fit in these).

2. Alvababy One-Size Reusable Cloth Diapers
These were the only other brand we tried. The price of them is also reasonable and they have plain wraps or fun designs. I felt like the snaps to adjust the size of them were a little less user-friendly so, after trying them, I decided I preferred Mama Koala!

***Full disclosure - we decided to stop cloth-diapering a few weeks ago. I made a compromise with my husband for the diaper service when we initially brought home our baby. However, not every caregiver that watched our son was interested in using the cloth diapers. Weighing the cost of the diaper service with the fact that our son was in cloth only half of the time, we could not afford it as an added expense.***

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Teething Toys

This is so subjective to the individual baby, what teeth they are working on, and what their level of pain is. I went with a few different teething toys that had high level of reviews on Amazon and were not crazy expensive.

Resources Used:
My (and my husband's) parents

What I have tried (so far):
1. Baby Elefun
This actually had a perfect rating on Amazon which is rare. It has a variety of different nubbins for baby's gums and you can stick it in the freezer if necessary. What I liked is that it is in a doughnut shape, giving baby hands an easy grip. It is also perfect for the baby links to attach to if you have a baby that enjoys throwing things. This, so far, has been our favorite teething toy other than frozen washcloths.

2. Comotomo Silicone Baby Teether
This is our second favorite teething toy. It also has a ring loop so you can attach it to baby's stroller and not have to worry about it getting lost when baby inevitably throws it. It is slightly smaller but similarly shaped to our fingers, as well, which is a plus especially since my kid has preferred chewing on our fingers while teething. 

3. Nuby Ice Gel Teether Keys
These have not been that great. They're clunky so they're difficult for little hands to hold. That being said, the gel does freeze and feels good on little gums.

4. Very Hungry Caterpillar Gel Soother 
I stumbled across this at a Home Goods and it was a lucky find. It also has the gel inside but is much smaller and easier for our little guy to hold which is a huge plus. Downside is one of our dogs (still a bit of a puppy himself) also thought it was a great chew toy. I haven't purchased a replacement yet, on Amazon, because it's way more expensive online than the price I originally purchased it for. 

5. Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder
I will come back to this one when I post about introductions to solids, but this works as a teething toy too. You can put cold or frozen fruit in it (bananas have been a hit using this). It soothes their gums AND they are trying solids - win-win! 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Book Review: Spiritual Midwifery

This one is wholly for entertainment value but I loved it!

Book Title: "Spiritual Midwifery"
Author: Ina May Gaskin
Rating: 4/5

Ina May Gaskin is a legend in the world of midwives. Before midwifery came back into fashion (there was that pesky period where doctors took over and midwives were banned), Ina May kind of stumbled into midwifery and became a house-hold name as an expert in the field.

"Spiritual Midwifery" was her detailed stories about how she became a midwife as well as a variety of other births she was present for. It is powerful and was a great book to read while I was pregnant. It was all about how women can and do have natural births and how they are rock stars. 

Keep in mind that it was written originally in the 1970's and most of the stories are wonderfully hippie and entertaining!

Book Review: The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep

Book Title: "The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep"
Author: Harvey Karp
Rating: 3.5/5

While breast-feeding my little guy I have discovered that I can read books as long as they are able to be read one-handed (aka, ebooks!). My library happened to have ebook copies of "The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep" by Harvey Karp. 

I stumbled across it when my little one was about a month old. We had been managing fine but I wanted any tips on how to help with soothe him. Dr. Karp outlines the 5 S's of swaddling, shushing, swaying, side-holding, and sucking. And, yes, that was recited from memory but, believe me, you will find yourself memorizing them with a newborn quickly as well. 

I could not give a full 4 or even 5 stars, no matter how helpful, because it did take a bit of slogging through to get to the point. The 5 S's are definitely life-savers with a newborn at home. But no one with a newborn wants to read an encyclopedia to get to the point of things. None of us have time for that!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Book Review: The Mama Natural Week-By-Week Guide

There are SO many pregnancy and parenting books out there in the ether. And it is so easy to get overwhelmed!

Book Title: "The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth"
Author: Genevieve Howland
Rating: 5/5 

I am a librarian so occasionally I read advanced reader copies of books before they go on the market. I happened to get a digital copy of Genevieve Howland's "The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth" a couple years ago before I was ever pregnant. I loved it so much I purchased the physical book as soon as it was published!

It, like many pregnancy books, is a bit of a tome but so worth reading! It is empowering to all moms, whether you want to do the childbirth thing naturally or no. If anything, it gives you a frank overview of the entire childbirth process and what you may experience. And, then, it gives you ways to ultimately be in control of the process as much as you can be. 

You can, like me, read it well ahead of pregnancy to be fully prepared. Or, you can read along with your baby's development as each chapter is a week of your pregnancy. It is so informative that I would tell anyone that is going through the process to read it! 

Genevieve Howland also has a blog, Mama Natural, that is a GREAT resource for expecting moms and parents alike.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Swaddles and Sleep Sacks

You never understand how truly important swaddles and sleep sacks are until you begin to realize that finding the perfect one may be the key to getting a good night's (or any) sleep for you!

One size literally does not fit all and one type of swaddle will not work forever. Babies that still have the Moro (startle) reflex sleep longer periods of time in swaddles because it keeps them from waking themselves up. Once they roll over it is no longer safe to swaddle their arms but many babies still sleep better in some sort of sleep sack. Plus, it is still a huge risk to have blankets and such in their crib with them until they are over a year old.

Some of our swaddles were given to us. Others were just trial and error of what worked. Unfortunately swaddles are not typically sold at used kids stores so I squirreled away coupons to big box baby stores to buy them.

What we have tried:
1. Swaddleme by Summer Infant
These run small but they worked well when our guy was really little as a tight swaddle. He's a tiny hulk and managed to regularly get an arm out, though. We were given a couple of these at our baby shower by someone who swore by them. Since they worked rather well when he first came home, we bought a few more because he inevitably would spit up on the one he was wearing and need an outfit change.

2. HALO SleepSack
We went in and out of using these. I initially was not a big fan of the HALO sleepsacks when we first brought our little guy home because I felt he was drowning in fabric. When we went through the 4 month sleep regression, though, I dug one of our lighter HALO sleepsacks out and they ended up working perfectly during that time. These sleep sacks also appeared to do better at keeping his arms contained.

3. Swaddle UP 50/50
I used these when our little guy needed to be swaddled but kept breaking out of the Swaddleme swaddles. It allowed him to have his arms up around his face like he liked, but muffled his Moro reflex. They do run VERY small so our son outgrew them very quickly.

4. Nested Bean Zen Sack
I happened to hear about these and was curious. They have weighted beans on the chest area of the sleep sack that make baby feel like someone is holding them. I bought one on a whim and we love them! I feel like it definitely helps our little guy sleep better at night and we have been using them for several months since he was about 2 months old.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Infant Car Seats

Unfortunately car seats are not a one-and-done kind of purchase. There are specific seats based on the age and size of the child. Infant car seats offer even more padding and specialized protection for your teeny little one while toddler and booster seats give them more room. Infant car seats also have the added bonus that the car seat itself comes out of the car so, if baby is asleep, you can pick up the whole thing and take them with you whereas car seats for older kids are stationary. 

Of course, there are convertible all-in-one seats that can transition from infant to toddler but, with them, you sacrifice some safety and also they are stationary just like toddler car seats within the car. On top of all these head spinning factors, car seats expire after a period of time, they may have recalls, and cannot be used if they have ever been in an accident. 

Resources Used:
The Bump
Buy Buy Baby
Consumer Reports

What I settled on:
1. Doona Infant Car Seat
I had looked at Consumer Reports and online reviews of various car seats. I had even put one on my registry but, a month or so before my baby shower, my husband and I wandered into Buy Buy Baby to look at car seats to be sure. If I was going to be lugging our infant around in a car seat regularly, we wanted to make sure that the one we had settled on would work for us. I also wanted to find a stroller that would work with the car seat.

Then, like a magical unicorn, we walked past the Doona stroller in the store. It is pure wizardry. It's a car seat, it's a stroller, it's compact, and it functions safely without a base. 

I looked up the Consumer Reports and it has a pretty perfect safety rating. The only ding it had was that it was heavy...well sure it is slightly heavier than the normal infant car seat; it has wheels! BUT, who's going to be carrying it most of the time when you can put the wheels down and push your kid?!

It is definitely more expensive than your base-priced infant car seats. However, if you factor in the ease of use and the fact that you won't have to buy a stroller for the car seat on top of the car seat price, it is a pretty great deal! 

Also, another safety concern that I do not have to worry about is the proper angle of the car seat when it is not locked into the base. I have heard horror stories of infants that are left sleeping in a car seat when the parents arrive home. Because they brought the baby into the house but left them in the car seat, the car seat was not at the proper angle and the child died. The Doona was designed to be both stroller and car seat so, once we put the wheels down when we take him out of the car, he is still at the proper angle. 

It has also been touted by The Bump as a must-have for any parent that plans to travel. We are planning on traveling via airplane in a couple months and our baby should still be in the car seat. We'll be able to stroll through security with it, check it at the gate, and use it as a car seat when we arrive at our destination. Hands down, one of our best expensive purchases!

Side Note: Another resource for those looking at car seats is Car Seats for the Littles. I had not heard of it before buying my infant car seat but it is a great resource!

Monday, February 4, 2019


I have discovered that choosing bottles is very subjective. Kids are partial to specific nipple brands/shapes as well as the flow of milk. You may have one kid that likes one brand and you buy a ton of them. Then you have a second kid that refuses to eat from that brand or from bottles at all. They also may take one specific bottle initially or take all of them but be partial to one as they get older. 

Another road bump is whether they are formula fed or breastfed initially. Formula fed from day one may require multiple changes to the nipple flow over time. Also, some brands specialize in catering to infant and preemie needs. With breastfed babies there is some timing involved to avoid nipple confusion. With moms, like me, that go from exclusively nursing while at home and pumping while at work, you may also have a kid that goes on nursing or bottle strikes. Being a mama is hard work!

Before you go out and buy a bunch of different bottle brands, you may find that you can get sample bottles. I received a couple sample bottles when I purchased maternity clothes while pregnant. I also received a different brand to sample at my first OB appointment. If you happen to have any mom friends or family members that recently bottle fed, you can also ask to borrow bottles to try them out before purchasing a ton.

What we tried:
1. MAM
I received a sample MAM bottle and it seemed to be a favorite initially. They were anticolic, which is one of the reasons we decided to buy more of these after using the sample one. Our son has silent reflux and seemed fussier in the evenings so I thought anticolic bottles could help. I like the nipples and the flow, but they are my husband's second favorite because there are so many parts to them. It's a plus because you can take it apart and really clean/sanitize it. However, more parts means more potential to leak if everything isn't perfectly screwed together. 

2. Philips Avent
These particular bottles also say they are anticolic, so we bought several of these after using the sample as well. But, a week or two into using them, my husband was decidedly against them because they leaked from the top. We have them as back up but haven't used them since.

3. Comotomo 
My husband, who was the first one to introduce the bottle to our son, initially did not like the comotomo. However, over time, this has been our preferred bottle to use. He did not like it at first because he felt that the silicone material that is on the base of the bottle made it difficult to hold while feeding the baby. He has gotten used to the feeling and our baby prefers the nipples on the bottle and the flow of milk from it. They also are very easy to wash. They only have 3 pieces in total (not including the lid) that you can take apart easily and put back together. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sleeping Apparatuses

Cribs, sleepers, bassinets, oh my! What should baby sleep in and where?

First off, I am aware that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests co-sleeping (they define as sleeping in the same room as parents) for the first year of life to reduce the risk of SIDS. But, with any new parent, you have got to find what works best for you.

I am a super light sleeper and I knew I would wake up every single time my baby sighed or took a deep breath. And, after a long weekend away when he was only 6 weeks old, I found out he was a rather noisy sleeper. Mama's sleep is very important so I decided, from day 1, that he would sleep in his own room across the hall.

Resources Used:
*Consumer Reports
*The Bump
*Amazon Reviews

What I settled on:
1. Babyletto Hudson 3-in-1
Consumer Reports has not reviewed cribs since 2016. That being said, if you are a member of their site, they do give you a basic buying guide telling you things to look for. They suggest that you buy the crib new, fairly basic, and to buy the crib mattress that goes with the crib you purchase. 

Since Babyletto's cribs are fairly simple and stream-lined, and the Hudson has great reviews on Amazon, we decided to go with their crib. It also had the added upside that the Hudson had a mid-century look to it which goes with our decor. An even bigger upside that we discovered when it came in the mail was that it was SUPER EASY to put together even with pregnancy brain!

2. Fisher Price Rock 'n Play
We ended up buying a Fisher Price Rock n Play at the suggestion of my lactation consultant when my son was 5 weeks old. He had silent reflux and would wake up as soon as I laid him down flat. Hands-down, best sleeper purchase! It bought us a few months of wonderful sleep-filled nights and I credit this with helping him sleep through the night prior to his 4-month sleep regression. I will link later to how we did the transition to the crib from the RNP.

Updated Edit 4/8/19: As of April 5, 2019, Fisher-Price issue a warning about the safety of their product, the Rock 'n Play. Consumer Reports investigated the link between infant deaths and sleeping in the Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play. We never had issues with it ourselves, but our little one was not able to roll over until 4 months and, by then, we had stopped using the product. 

3. Baby Sleep Hammock
I cannot find the original one we purchased to link but I bought mine on Amazon. I had heard about sleep hammocks that mimic the feeling of the womb. You attach it to the crib and then baby sleeps in the hammock within the crib until they're too big. Honestly, this is hit or miss for me. You'd be better off just going ahead and getting a Fisher Price Rock 'n Play. It provides the same feeling for the baby while adding the addition of the rocking motion whenever they move/startle and they're at an incline in case they have reflux. Plus, ours didn't come with ANY instructions so who knows if we even installed it correctly.

4. Moses Basket
My mother bought a Moses Basket and used it to present our baby shower gifts in. She also made fitted sheets for the Moses Basket. It was super adorable but, when we brought baby home, we found that the cat was more suited for the basket than the baby was. The basket was used and it, on occasion, would cave in. It also wasn't very large so our big baby did not spend much time in it besides 1 nap in total.